Contact Our Rehab Center
in Chardon, Ohio
Take the First Step Towards Recovery
We’ll Help Make It Easy For You
Contact Our Rehab Center
in Chardon, OH
We’ll Help Make It Easy

Monday - Sunday
open 24 Hours

Getting Started
with Prosperity Haven
Prosperity Haven is located at 9600 Old State Rd, Chardon, OH 44024, 30 miles East of Cleveland and 10 miles south of Painesville. Our compassionate recovery team is available 24/7 — we can answer any questions you may have about our rehab facility, the admissions process, insurance, and how our work. You can also fill out the form on this page and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Our team is here to provide you with comfort and ease throughout the entire process. All communication with us is confidential, and we welcome inquiries from friends and family members as well as those who are suffering from addiction. We understand that reaching out for help is often the hardest step, but it could be the one that finally helps you or a loved one break free from addiction.
we can call or message you at a convenient time
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